Monday, 16 August 2010

Dirty Sanchez Nation: The Ultimate Illustrated DICKtionary of Obscene Sex Terms by Evan Marz and Steve Buddy (Illustrations)

We at WTFSexFacts recieve a lot of weird and wonderful gifts from people. Nothing, however, could prepare us for the contents of the slim package that arrived in our mail box this morning. It was a book called Dirty Sanchez Nation: The Ultimate Illustrated DICKtionary of Obscene Sex Terms by Evan Marz with illustrations by Steve Buddy.

It clearly defines and illustrates some of the most popular and not so common sexual terms used today in a no holds barred way. We have to throw our hands up and admit that there were a few that even we didn't know, such as 'Dragon Butter' and the 'Cold Lunch' (no we won't define them. You'll have to buy the book).

To say this book is offensive is an understatement.  But this is what we loved about it. The definitions and illustrations are HARDCORE and leave nothing to the imagination. This is a must-have title for every serious sex library. It would make a perfect gift for somebody with a sense of humor, who doesn't shock easily. It would also make you the centre of attention if you took it to work to show your collegues. It definately has the WTFSexFacts seal of approval.


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